ATLANTIS jumelée

Model filed with the INPI. Protection of registered designs :

ATLANTIS Semi-Detached House: Plan of a contemporary semi-detached house including two T3 bis dwellings.

We designed this semi-detached house comprising two dwellings in an extremely optimized way.
This house plan is suitable for small lots for seasonal rental construction projects or for a primary or secondary residence for a couple.
In fact, these are two T4 accommodations including two bedrooms upstairs as well as a small office for teleworking hours, for example.
The living room is optimized, it is only 22m². We preferred to integrate a garage into the construction, which could be transformed into a living room or dining room in the future.
A kitchenette with a standing table is planned, as well as a TV lounge on the ground floor.
At the back of the garage, we have a technical area (laundry room, storage room, etc.).

The upstairs bedrooms are each 9m² and the office is 7m².
We advise you to purchase this plan for a second home or rental project.

The architecture is neat and resolutely contemporary.
Our design office can offer you plan modifications. We can possibly plan the conversion of the garage into a living room and the position of a garage on the exterior of the central volume.
We're here to accompany you.

This contemporary semi-detached house plan can be downloaded in just a few clicks.

Living area: 60m²x2 / Additional area: 36m²x2

Ground footprint: 13.50m by 8m (excluding uncovered terrace).

See all the description

Style Contemporary

Floors Storey house

Type 3

60 m²

  2 bedroom(s)

  1 bathroom(s)

Length 14 m

Width 8 m

Estimated budget

Download this plan See details of our offers
29,90 €
59,90 €
99,90 €
+ Dwg
199,00 €

ATLANTIS jumelée

Compare the content of each offer

Table of surface area
PDF Floor Plan
Front image perspective
29,90 €
Table of surface area
PDF Floor plan with dimensions
Image interiors
Front image perspective
Back image perspective

59,90 €
FULL plan de maison recommandé
Table of surface area
PDF Floor plan with dimensions
Plan cutting principle
Front plan
Image interiors
Front image perspective
Back image perspective

99,90 €
Table of surface area
Cotation plan
Plan cutting principle
Front plan
Image interiors
Front image perspective
Back image perspective
Sources editable files
DWG + Sketchup
199,00 €

nos offres pro pour le modèle ATLANTIS jumelée

images pro
Images SANS mention "Construire Online"
en haute définition (1800 px x 1200 px):

Vues 3D intérieures
Vues 3D extérieures
tableau des surfaces
Tableau des surfaces habitables
Vue en plan non coté
Vue en plan coté
Plan de coupe
Plan façades

images pro
Images SANS mention "Construire Online"
en haute définition (1800 px x 1200 px):

Vues 3D intérieures
Vues 3D extérieures

pdf pro
Fichiers PDF + DWG + Sketchup
paiement par chèque
Paiement par chèque ou virement
paiement en 2 fois
Possibilité de paiement en 2 fois sans frais
tarif dégressif pour 10 plans
Tarif dégressif à partir de 10 modèles achetés
envoi par CD-ROM et mail
Mode d'expédition:
envoi par mail
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